Daily Class Schedule
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Class time with 2 breaks
*Chapel on Mondays 9:00 -9:45 am
12:00 - 1:00 pm
1:00 - 2:00 pm
Class time
Students have 20 hours of class time per week. Each week is generally 1.25 credit hours.
The Yellowstone trip and the Glacier Challenge are .5 credit hours each. Total credit hours for the year are 36.
Course Schedule*
Aug. 23 Students Move in Day
Aug. 24-25 Welcome and Orientation
Aug. 26-29 Glacier Challenge – Hiking trips in Glacier National Park
Sept.1-5 Geology I Field Trip (Mt. St. Helens)
Sept. 8-12 Theology I - Theology Proper - Dr. Ben Taylor
Sept. 15-19 Theology II (Salvation, Man, Church) - Dr. Ben Taylor
Sept. 22-26 Yellowstone/Tetons Field Trip
Sept. 28-Oct. 3 Bibliology, Hermeneutics - Dr. Crockett
Oct. 6-10 Genesis 1-5 Foundations - Dean Landis
Oct. 13-17 Field trip to Ark and Creation Museum
Oct. 20-24 Field trip to Ark and Creation Museum
Oct. 27-31 Genesis 6-11 Foundations - Dean Landis
Nov. 3-7 Romans 1-8- Dr. Zane Officer
Nov. 10-14 Psalms -TBD
Nov. 17-21 I - II Peter, I - II - III John, Jude, James - TBD
Nov. 22 -Jan 4 Thanksgiving - Christmas Break
Jan. 5-9 Leadership / Discipleship - Chris Baker
Jan. 12-16 Worldview I (Science)- Dean Landis
Jan. 19-23 Worldview 2 (Humanities) - Dean Landis
Jan. 26-30 Paul’s Epistles I (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians)- Dr. Bruce Crockett
Feb. 2-6 Life of Christ - TBD
Feb. 9-13 Paul's Epistles II (I-II Timothy, I-II Thessalonians, Titus)- TBD
Feb. 15-20 Mission 1 - Dr. Zane Officer
Feb. 23-27 I-II Corinthians - TBD
Mar. 2-6 Hebrews - TBD
Mar. 9-13 Evangelism - Eric Hovind
Mar. 16-20 Church History - TBD
Mar. 21-29 Spring Break
Mar. 30-April 3 The Cross and Resurrection - Dean Landis
April 5 Easter
April 6-10 Biblical Marriage and Family -
April 13-17 Missions 2 - (Cross cultural Trip) Kyle Rosas
April 20-24 Geology II Field Trip (Grand Canyon, Moab) -
April 27-May 1 Minor Prophets - Dr. Paul Jones
May 4-8 Eschatology - Dr. Paul Jones
May 10 Graduation
*Schedule is subject to change